Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Reading Response #6

Sorry, I've been on the road all day today. However, by far and away the most interesting part of the readings for me was Saladin's treatment of the Jews and the Arab Christians. After winning back Jerusalem from the European Crusaders, Saladin allows both the Jews and the Arab Christians to enter and live in the city. Armstrong says "The sultan brought had the Jews home to their Holy City and allowed them to live there in large numbers." In 1190, the Jews from Ascalon were even allowed to build a synagogue in Jerusalem. This gesture of good faith and peace surprised me because, like many, I didn't know that there had ever been peace between the Jews, Muslims, and Christians, especially in Jerusalem. Saladin appears to have been one of the most just and compassionate leaders involved in any conflict ever. He accepted truce from the Crusaders whenever they requested it, treated prisoners justly, and treated Jews and Arab Christians favorably, he even gave possession of the church of the Holy Sepulcher to the Greek Orthodox Christians, believing that the local Christians could not be blamed for the European Crusade. This wisdom and discerning in spite of all he had seen the Europeans do in the name of the same god shows a very level-headed and compassionate man, I am not sure that anyone of any religion would have been as open and understanding and welcoming to all people groups as Saladin appears to have been. This image gives me some hope that maybe someday there can be peace in Jerusalem.

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